RuneScape: Dark Horse Comics' 20 Year First Companion


This companion to the legendary MMORPG OSRS gold goes on sale on October 5 with color images and exclusive interviews.

From fighting monsters to mining for ore, RuneScape players who have spent hours honing their skills or taking on quests in the vast medieval fantasy world of MMORPGs will no doubt read the next Dark Horse Books during this tour. launch in fall 2021. RuneScape: The First 20 Years - An Illustrated Story celebrates the 20th anniversary of the MMORPG, allowing fans to experience the world they have explored digitally in new and exciting ways and immersing hundreds of pages of 'color illustrations. It will also include interviews with the designers and developers of the cult online fantasy game and its sister title Old School RuneScape.

Especially voracious fans can purchase the Deluxe Dark Horse Edition, which has a dedicated cover and gold-lined pages that readers can follow using the built-in page marker. The Deluxe Edition also comes with a hardcover card and folio case with art prints.

Unsurprisingly, the MMORPG is now available on Steam and has attracted nearly 300 million users in over 20 years since its debut in 2001. Players aren't limited to just one class and can choose from 28 skills to develop. at some point, depending on what they want to accomplish. For example, those who want more control over which weapons and armor to use can spend their time cutting special stones rich in different types of ore. Especially dedicated miners can mine rarer and more valuable ore which can be smelted into ingots to craft more powerful weapons and armor. And these are just a few of the many skills players can master.

For the time, RuneScape was (and still is) revolutionary with a vast world to explore and seemingly endless possibilities limited to completing mandatory quests. Even now, RuneScape is different from other MMOs like World of Warcraft, which restricts players to one class and significantly limits their options and achievements. Rather than forcing players to create new accounts to explore additional options, Buy 2107 runescape gold allows players to use the same character to learn new skills without having to start over. This, in turn, gives players unlimited potential to master any activity and skill imaginable.